Singles & Dating: Question: I think I broke my patella, I m wondering should I go to school tomorrow ?? |
- Question: I think I broke my patella, I m wondering should I go to school tomorrow ??
- Question: My girlfriend is working tonight...should I go see her or will her pimp get mad?
- Question: What does ���� mean on the Internet?
- Question: I think I'm in love with this guy? If not how do I get over him?
- Question: How can I detour a jealous ex friend she is now like a Stalker?
- Question: Okay y'all , if you were trying to impress a guy how would you wear your hair?
- Question: Have you ever lost someone you loved because of your pride or ego?
- Question: Can a guy and girl love each other like friends but still have feelings for each other?
- Question: Put a guy in the friend zone and now realise I like him but was afraid, am I too late! 10 points for best answer?
- Question: Long story short, I was at a party a girl gave me head and kissed me after I ejaculated in her mouth. Its 2 days later and my mouth burns?
- Question: I meet a guy online first we had fun talking. 1 month after he acted cold but still talk to me. Does he still like me?
- Question: What am I missing?
- Question: Do women ever stare down each other like us guys or do y'all just smile at each other 'til one looks away first???
- Question: Help?! Should I just stop giving him my time? :(?
- Question: Why does my vagina stink after my boyfriend eats me out?
- Question: What to say to my bf when hes down?
- Question: Do i have a right to be sad about it?
- Question: If someone says you're too good of a model?
- Question: What are some obvious signs someone is interested? I'll answer yours?
- Question: Do girls lie to guys to make them feel better?
- Question: How do I get over her?!?
- Question: I like my friend I've been friends with him for a month or so and he has a girl I want to ask him to a movie without his girl hating me?
- Question: This woman at my job keeps trying to scare me the first time she scared me it was by accident I flinched a lil that was it?
- Question: Help with an awkward situation with a former crush and coworkers?
- Question: How to deal with online dating?
- Question: Is it bad that I get turned on when I wear my wetsuit?
- Question: What do I do now?
- Question: Is it much harder for short oriental guys to ask girls out in America?
- Question: Are women too complicated?
- Question: How much do guys like blow jobs ? , just wondering.?
- Question: What does a guy feel when he ask your name and number online and you did not give it to him?
- Question: Advice on how to get my boyfriend to open up to me?
- Question: The only girl I like doesn't like me back?
- Question: Is my sadness justifiable?
- Question: Why is he pushing me away?
- Question: Creative/romantic date ideas?
- Question: Dirty talk, hot or not?
- Question: Crush advice?
- Question: I m talking to a guy I really like, but I ve never had a boyfriend. Should I tell him? If I do, how?
- Question: I feel like I'm falling for my TEACHER?
- Question: Does this guy sound genuine or not interested?
- Question: This white girl at school told me she wanted get with me cause she said she wanted to try black dick. should I let her have it?
- Question: Why would a girl not look at my facebook message?
- Question: How old were you when you first lost your virginity?
- Question: Tinder match possibly not getting my messages?
- Question: I can t tell if my best friend likes me? As more than a friend.?
- Question: Would it be weird to fly a girl to another country as a first date?
- Question: Is there any difference between "take a look at this" and "look at this" ? Thank you for your help!!?
- Question: I think my girlfriend raped me. She gave me a shot and when I woke up she was gone. There was a note on my bed... "get read 4 child support"?
- Question: Girls, what eyebrow shape makes a guy's face look ugly?
- Question: I walk down the street I lock eyes with a guy (no homo) he nods I nod back we don't speak or nun what is this phenomenon??!?
- Question: Does she like me?
- Question: Am i right to feel this way? Or is my mom right?
- Question: What do you think of making out at clubs and raves?
- Question: If a guy kisses me, does it mean he likes me?
- Question: Friendship problems.?
- Question: Thoughts on this track?
- Question: My ex boyfriend is telling me to kill myself please help me !?
- Question: Do guys care if girls have mild acne? is it a turn off?
- Question: Tinder match possibly not getting my messages?
Question: I think I broke my patella, I m wondering should I go to school tomorrow ?? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:19 PM PDT |
Question: My girlfriend is working tonight...should I go see her or will her pimp get mad? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: What does ���� mean on the Internet? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: I think I'm in love with this guy? If not how do I get over him? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:17 PM PDT So I have liked this guy for 2 years. I have been trying SO HARD to get over him, but nothing seems to work. Every time I see him I get butterflies and every time he is within a few feet away from me and my friends, I act weird and lose my train of thought. He liked me the year before I started liking him. I don't know if he still likes me, sometimes I catch him staring at me. I said like at the beginning because I didn't just start out loving him, it was a gradual change. Please help me figure this out! I also get jealous when he is around other girls and everywhere I go, I see his name. There's a brand in my pantry, fridge, I see it on a sign on my way to school. I don't want to be dramatic but his name is EVERYWHERE I TURN! And I don't want to make to much of this but (not to sound like a lovesick fool) what if seeing his name is a sign |
Question: How can I detour a jealous ex friend she is now like a Stalker? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:17 PM PDT She has been n my apartment and left her calling cRD as well in my car.this has been going on for 6mos. |
Question: Okay y'all , if you were trying to impress a guy how would you wear your hair? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:17 PM PDT Don't tell that I don't need to impress the guy because I don't give a ****. |
Question: Have you ever lost someone you loved because of your pride or ego? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:16 PM PDT I lost the love of my love because my ego overpowered me and I couldn't tell her "Please don't go" |
Question: Can a guy and girl love each other like friends but still have feelings for each other? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:16 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:16 PM PDT This guy(M) and I became very close and I liked his personality a lot but was not attracted to him so I friend zoned him when things started to become serious. I was sad and his best friend also liked me and asked me out. I said yes b/c it was easier emotionally but realise now, little over a month now, that I like M a huge amount and what a mistake I made. Will M ever like me again? Is it too late?! What do I do? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:14 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:14 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:14 PM PDT I feel as if I'm missing something in my life at the age were I know right and wrong . I've done mistake learned from some of them. Currently I don't have no friends I don't even understand y I pay my phone every month. My ex broke up with me in August of 2015 I'm still slowly trying to learn to except that he doesn't want me my healing frame is just different I don't want another man not becuz I can't have one but I'm trying to see what I did wrong in the relationship till this day he doesn't want to give me closure so idk how to deal with my pain I've done everything act out drugs sex but it made me feel still empty I was always feeling that void but I brushed it away. |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:13 PM PDT |
Question: Help?! Should I just stop giving him my time? :(? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:12 PM PDT My guy and I are going through a difficult time and I'm really trying my best with him. Sunday morning, we talked and he told me he missed me and that he would come over to see me on his next off day, even though we're not together at the moment. I was ok with that because I miss him too. He didn't text back Sunday or Monday and my messages weren't going through on the KIK app, but he was on Instagram and stuff, but not replying to me. I was kinda upset because I wanted to talk to him. Today, I accidentally left my phone at home bc I rushed out of the house for school. When I came home from school @ 1:30, he had messaged me at like 10 AM and again @ 1. I hurried and replied and told him I left my phone at home today and he said that he WAS going to come over. I still wanted him to come because we haven't seen each other in a week (which is odd). I told him I would clean so he could come over and he wasn't responding:/. I asked if he was coming or not and he replied late and said "I said WAS". I took that as a no and I simply told him ok and he hasn't replied. |
Question: Why does my vagina stink after my boyfriend eats me out? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:12 PM PDT |
Question: What to say to my bf when hes down? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:11 PM PDT So basically, he has a lot of problems with his family, and from what he has told me they give him a lot of crap about school, work, etc. They constantly yell about this, even infront of me... I tell him to calm down (sweetly ofc), tell him its okay, but i know its not what he wants to hear. What do i say to him to make him feel better? |
Question: Do i have a right to be sad about it? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:11 PM PDT my ex tried to kill himself and it's partly my fault. a day before he did i told him to od. i don't wanna go to school, i don't wanna be around people i just need a few days to reiterate and my dad's giving me **** for it. i feel awful, is this justified? |
Question: If someone says you're too good of a model? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:09 PM PDT |
Question: What are some obvious signs someone is interested? I'll answer yours? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:09 PM PDT I have recently been checking out my coworker. He is nice out of what I've seen. He is a back up cook and I'm a server. According to another server I was making him smile like hell. I was walking out of the break room with the same server and saw jordan (back up cook) looking at us with like a blank face...Jordan ended up being on the grill line and was looking at us again according to the server. He was staring at me when he was getting water I looked up to see him staring then he talked to me. I went back to get bread from him and he looked over stared at me said hey. I said hi and then got drugged off quickly. He walked by me yesterday going into the store and I was going into the restaurant part and he said hey. It was crowded one night and we kept running out of food so he didn't get to go outside and smoke so he was cranky. I told him not to hate me for taking something cause I knew he wanted to go outside. Later that night he said he didn't hate me cause of it. He had a make a few things for me and he asked me if I ever got my food. I don't see him doing it for other people but he might. Idk. He told me I'm really sweet cause I told him something and that I'm not like the other servers |
Question: Do girls lie to guys to make them feel better? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:08 PM PDT as in, telling them something they know will ease their minds, when in fact it is a lie? |
Question: How do I get over her?!? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:08 PM PDT Hi, I'm 13 and bisexual. There's this girl in my school that I'm really interested in, but she's a grade above me and that means I'll never see her in any of my classes. I know I'll never have a chance with her because 1. She's probably straight because she has a boyfriend and 2. I don't even know her and we aren't friends plus, I'm too shy to start a convo or even say Hi. I've tried so hard to forget her and move on, but every time I see her in the halls or pass by she's just so damn fine and it all comes back😩. Oh my lord, it's even worse when we make eye contact. I honestly think she hates me or something 😂 She always looks at me when I see her in the halls, and I try my best to act like I never seen her before. Anywho, does anybody know how I can just get over her? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:08 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:07 PM PDT Lately she's been trying hard to scare me like if she sees me coming she'll sneak behind me and say my name really loud and try to spook me what's this about?? Btw she's kinda attractive |
Question: Help with an awkward situation with a former crush and coworkers? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:06 PM PDT Long story short - I'm a 19 y/o anxiety filled, socially awkward unattractive guy working at a bookstore as I attend Uni. I have been working there for over a year now and I am "friends" with quite a few of my current and former coworkers. Last year around this time, we all used to hang out and have fun, and there was (and still is) a girl whom I used to have a crush with that was (not anymore) my best friend. We used to talk all the time, texting and in-person, and in general were really close. In the fall of 2015 we stopped talking completely (she got a boyfriend) and now we hardly talk at work (conversations last 2-3 minutes) and we haven't texted once since January. I stopped hanging out with my coworkers completely mostly because of her (having her force me/be with me there really helped with anxiety) and I've reverted to my old ways, which is being incredibly quiet, unassuming, shy, awkward, ect. It's been that way for since around December, and I am still actually planning on quitting in June, but something just happened. I just received a text from her for the first time in 3 months, asking me to come hang out with her and a few coworkers Thursday. She asked me to be honest. She also wrote "everyone misses you (period)" and even "I miss you (period)." She also asked me to text her back whenever I could. I don't want to make her wait, but I just don't know what to do. I miss her a lot, but I just don't know if salvaging our friendship is worth it at this point. |
Question: How to deal with online dating? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:05 PM PDT |
Question: Is it bad that I get turned on when I wear my wetsuit? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:04 PM PDT I feel honestly super weird about this, nobody knows, but I wear them when nobody is home and have some personal time (if you know what I mean)... Should I feel guilty for indulging in this habit? Thanks for your open mind! |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:03 PM PDT So this girl I like got into an argument(via text)with me and in the end I apologized saying; "Sorry if I made you feel bad. I'll just leave you alone then. Sorry." she replied with; "Stop taking things up the *** like u didn't do **** I'm fine I'm just hella busy" Lol, it kinda hurts but I replied with; "Right.." Like what do I now.. I really don't want to run into her because it'll be awkward and I don't know what to say to her. I'm honestly going through some tough times and I get angry pretty easily and end up feeling like crap when I offend someone. I'm embarrassed and stuck, help!? |
Question: Is it much harder for short oriental guys to ask girls out in America? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:03 PM PDT |
Question: Are women too complicated? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:02 PM PDT Or am i just a moron? |
Question: How much do guys like blow jobs ? , just wondering.? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:02 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:02 PM PDT |
Question: Advice on how to get my boyfriend to open up to me? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:02 PM PDT I can tell when something is bothering him and I try to ask questions but he mostly gives short responses. He's told me before that he has trust issues because of things that have happened in his life, maybe that's why he is so closed off sometimes.. I don't want to be pushy, I just want him to be comfortable and talk to me about his problems. |
Question: The only girl I like doesn't like me back? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:01 PM PDT I've liked her for 4 years and she doesn't like me back. I've tried going out with other women and they are just not the same. |
Question: Is my sadness justifiable? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:01 PM PDT my ex tried to kill himself because of me. i moved up to colorado and saw him when i visited my hometown about a month ago, he came in me intentionally and i was angry.he's an opiate addict and i told him no one would care if he od'd. i texted him ad apologized for saying that and he didn't text me bakc, he always does. for three days i thought he was dead. a mutual friend told me he tried to kill himself the day after i said that, i spoke to him and he said it was because of me. i feel horribly sad and i would like to stay home for a few days to reiterate. should i feel this sad? |
Question: Why is he pushing me away? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:00 PM PDT I ve been talking to this guy for about a year. We haven t taken it to the next level of dating yet for a few reasons. When I met him I had just left a bad relationship. His ex also treated him badly, so he has trust issues. He was deployed for about 6 months and just got back. We planned on starting to hang out again immediately, but then he got orders to a different state for this summer, leaving in May. When he gets back, he s leaving again for another deployment. So he canceled our weekend together because he had things to do to prepare. We rescheduled for this week. He cancelled again saying he had to pack. I m confused because when he was gone he said he could see us being together, that it made him nervous and that he did certain things to push me away. I confronted him about his being so hot and cold. He blamed his ex, and I said I wasn t her. He said he d rather do this alone. Is he scared of investing in me and then losing me? I stayed loyal to this guy the whole time he was deployed. I emailed him twice a week. Why does he think I d do that for just anyone? I m trying to write a letter explaining how I feel and I don t know what to add. Most importantly, what do I do to help him understand I m not going anywhere? Or should I really just give up? |
Question: Creative/romantic date ideas? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:00 PM PDT I've been asked on a date this weekend by a guy I really like who I've been talking to. He thinks I don't know that he has a really, really high paying job but I do... I do my research. I think he's trying to impress me on Saturday by taking me somewhere really fancy but his money really doesn't interest me. Of course it would be nice to be wined and dined one day but I want to do something I've never done before that I'll never forget whether anything comes from it or not, and I want to tell him that but I don't know what to suggest. I'm not free until the evening/night is not many places will be open, but he's said he'll pick me up so it's not like we can't drive somewhere. I like road trips, but I don't want to suggetst just that and sound like a really childish and boring date. I want something fairly intellectual but not typical and cliche, like something new to both of us so I don't know what to suggest... ? |
Question: Dirty talk, hot or not? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 07:00 PM PDT I have never actually dirty talked before. Im shy and honestly, my boyfriend and I are so silly that I don't know how to bring that side out of me. He said he supports my dirty talk fantasy but I just don't know when to say those things. Also -what do you ladies say? - Do you just say how you're feeling out loud? -If we've never done this, do you think it would be awkward at first? Also: what NOT to say? If anything. |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:59 PM PDT My crush and I talk almost everyday, mostly on snapchat. He usually sends me random pics of him and I'll send a random pic of me. We usually end up talking until midnight, I want to tell him I like him soon but I don't want to ruin our friendship. Plus how can you tell if I guy likes you? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:59 PM PDT |
Question: I feel like I'm falling for my TEACHER? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:58 PM PDT This will sound very messed up. But I'm 14 and recently had an abortion that i regret. my boyfriend and I are still together but cant actually be around each other for a long time. My 4th period teacher is one of the teachers I talked to. He is a real smarta** but hilarious. Everyone loves him. I dont think he's even 30 yet. He acts really young, not your...typical adult. The past few days hes just been really close to me and I love it. I try to block out these feelings, because I have a boyfriend and my boyfriend knows this teacher too since he had him before. My boyfriend and I been together for a year and it seems so messed up. Today in class I didnt even want to speak to my teacher. We were learning about certain topics and kids were allowed to have a debate about that topic. He came to me and pulled my head and turned it to a paper that said, "We are talking about abortion. Will you be ok ?" And I told him yes. Why do I have these feelings? Is it truly wrong? I hate it so much. I feel like I've only grown onto him from the abortion and him being there for me...But I feel like it's more than that. Oh god, I need advice. It's been bothering me. |
Question: Does this guy sound genuine or not interested? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:57 PM PDT Met a guy from a dating site, we got on well, laughed together on our date and he went on to order food because he thought it was going well. He had informed me he had been stressed with exams, had more than a few coming up. Departing he asked to walk me home and when he did he kissed me for longer then 2 minutes at my door and said he wanted to see me again. The next day I messaged asking if he got home safely, he responded and I asked if he wanted to meet up again, he replied when he wasn't busy with exams. He didn't respond to my next message on messenger and he has been on the dating site since. We were kind of polar opposites, but I don't understand why he would kiss me. |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:57 PM PDT |
Question: Why would a girl not look at my facebook message? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:57 PM PDT This has been the longest that she has not replied. I do not talk to her a lot and stop midway through, but I messaged her and she did not even look at it. It does not say it was seen. Is it possible that she really did not see it, or should i just forget about her |
Question: How old were you when you first lost your virginity? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:57 PM PDT How old where you? If you were in a relationship how long did it take you to have sex? |
Question: Tinder match possibly not getting my messages? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:57 PM PDT So me and this girl have been chatting on Tinder for a while now, and seemed to have been hitting it off. All of a sudden though she stopped messaging me. Now I know it's probably because she lost interest, but it's there a chance that she is not even getting my messages? It just seems kind of weird because nothing was really said that would cause a break in the connection. Also, I heard they had notification problems. Also, if I Uninstall and reinstall will I still have my profile and matches? |
Question: I can t tell if my best friend likes me? As more than a friend.? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:56 PM PDT We ve been friends for over 7 years. In the beginning he was sleeping around a lot and didn t want any sort of commitment. Yet we were always saying I love you (still do). Now he s calmed down a lot and is more career focused. We seem to have a lot of heart to hearts and he s told me I mean the world to him, he s never going anywhere, he will always be here for me, I m his ride or die, he loves me, etc. Lately he s started telling me how attractive he finds me. Maybe these are all nice things a friend would say, I don t want to jump to conclusions over niceties. But it can be difficult not to read between the lines. I have a few other guy friends and they mostly treat me like a male friend. He seems annoyed if I hang with any guy that s not him, he hates my ex (in fairness all of my friends do, he s a jerk.) I feel like my hands are tied - I can t confront the situation and potentially jeopardize our friendship by making things awkward and uncomfortable. Any advice or similar experiences to share? Thanks. |
Question: Would it be weird to fly a girl to another country as a first date? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:55 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:54 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:52 PM PDT |
Question: Girls, what eyebrow shape makes a guy's face look ugly? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:52 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:52 PM PDT I noticed if a lock eyes with a woman she won't nod she'll either look away look down or smile what's is this??? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:49 PM PDT This has been happening fairly recently. This girl and I, both sophomores in high school, are in the same English class. She is a wicked good artist, like she can bring you to tears of fear, joy, and sadness with a pencil and paper. I'm naturally flirtatious, so I never know whether girls are hitting on me or just returning the flirt. Anyway, we joke about pretty random topics, especially communism. I just find it easy to joke about. Well she goes and draws me a shitload of Communist leaders from the 50s, as a joke but still as a gift. That's not very flirtatious on its own, but it gets better. Her best friend is in this English class too, but before class starts, she prefers to talk to me instead of her friend. Then, today during a fire drill in English, one of my other friends and I were talking while we were walking out of the building, and she comes along and gets between us. While we were waiting for the all clear, she stands to the right and a lil behind me the whole time. Was that being flirtatious or what? Thanks for reading the whole thing, I'll give you ten points if you give a good answer. |
Question: Am i right to feel this way? Or is my mom right? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:49 PM PDT |
Question: What do you think of making out at clubs and raves? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:47 PM PDT Is it trashy and slutty to make out with guys you meet? My friends and most people i know feel like its normal but people online make it sound like its unheard of. I have lost count of the random guys ive kissed and i couldnt care less though it doesnt mean i havent rejected sime creeps. Im still a virgin and woulnt have sex with any of them. I want to know your opinions |
Question: If a guy kisses me, does it mean he likes me? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:47 PM PDT Or does that just mean he's sexually attracted to me? Would a guy kiss a girl he doesn't like? We went out on a date Friday night, he walked to my car, and we kissed about 3 times, and he said ''My pleasure'' and I haven't heard from him since. |
Question: Friendship problems.? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:46 PM PDT Hi. Please read so you can understand what im saying.. 6 months ago i made a terrible mistake in my whole life. I was talking to this girl that i had a crush on and we both liked each other. We would always talk and have fun conversations, but one day we had a group chat with some other boy and he started talking about sexual stuff. And me and my crush started enganging in the conversations. Well my crushes mom is very protective over her daughter and she saw the messages and i got blamed for it becasue she didn't know me. So then my crushes mom got very upset and she told my mom. I got grounded for a couple weeks and my crush got like everything tooken away from her. And i got a little mad at my crushes mom and told her that it wasnt my fault and i didn't think it was all that bad becasue were at that age and all that...yes.. i know its morally and ethicly wrong. Now my crushes mom wont let me talk to her or even go near her. She took away my crushes social media and all that its all my fault :(....... i really liked bella (my crush) she was a nice girl and we were going to go out but we cant becasue her mother doesnt trust me.. i want to just have 1 more chance it would mean the world to me. Bella was a very good friend. She was beatiful nice and cool we had so much in common. Is there anything i could do to make her mom like me again?? I really like bella :( |
Question: Thoughts on this track? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:46 PM PDT feedback on any of these would be really sick I want to go to a studio and record a few of these but I'm trying to figure out what i should work on before then and which songs u guys like the most ( -: thanks , me |
Question: My ex boyfriend is telling me to kill myself please help me !? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:44 PM PDT My ex and I are in a long Distance relationship for more than 3 years we never seen each other but we do send pictures, talk & video chat. Last week I went to NC to visit him for the first time I have family over there also but I want to visit my family first because family goes first. My ex got pissed and broke up with me he called me a ***** and it's not the first time he said that he said that a lot of times for the past 2 years, he said I should die and go to hell, that I'm the stupidest person in the whole world! I don't know what I did wrong he got mad cause he wants me to visit him first and for every word he said to me really hurts me a lot and I told him I want to suicide and he just laughed D; I said he can get in trouble by the cops and he said its freedom of speech he can say what he wants . PLEASE SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING TO SHOW HIM that he can get into some trouble D; HELP PLEASE D; |
Question: Do guys care if girls have mild acne? is it a turn off? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:43 PM PDT what do you guys think of girls with mild acne? like on the forehead, cheeks etc |
Question: Tinder match possibly not getting my messages? Posted: 26 Apr 2016 06:41 PM PDT |
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